Why Am I Obsessed With Sex ?


Everybody in life is born into either one of these three things: Wealth, Good Family, Charisma.

I was lucky to somehow find myself born with charisma, and the type of charisma for the sake of this conversation is sex appeal.

From a very young age I realised I could do anything and never get the blame because of my looks. Unfortunately a few people took advantage of this which I will discuss in a YouTube video.

As a teenager I wasn't very social not by my choosing so automatically all that pent up energy went into exploring sex. A classmate in junior high, asked me if I'd ever masturbated, and I kid you not when I say at 13 I didn't know what that meant. He explained the process and what happens after , which I just didn't believe. You know where this is going don't you?


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For the rest of my life till my late 20's I experimented all my limits in masturbation. I gained allot of experience but also allot of disappointment. Every man that has masturbated after the very first time knows what I'm talking about. The void that creeps up after finishing. It isn't a great feeling but the reward and regret pattern had a chokehold on me. I just couldn't stop. 

I started looking for help outside religion and stumbled upon semen retention. It provided all the answers I needed but it was the hardest solution. It relies on share will power from the practitioner.

Semen retention is an old practice of not ejaculating for a set number of days, whilst practicing keggle exercises with the belief that an electromagnetic circuit is created through the contraction and release of the keggle muscles and deep breath within the man's body. Basically it's forcing the body to nourish itself with the proteins, vitamins, zinc and phosphorus contained in the male semen.

The rewards increase with the longer the practice, from increased concentration, to physical rejuvenation and strength. The drawbacks, from talking to more experienced practitioners, could be some defects in the prostate gland (not confirmed).

Going back to my introduction, I knew I had allot of sexual energy not under my control. Practicing semen retention helped Mr. gain control which propelled me to new achievements. Writing, programming, business acumen and divergent thinking. All things which I had never had "professional education" on.

I also don't understand why this isn't talked about as much as the UEFA Euro Cup. So in 2021 I created a podcast and started talking about sexual energy, my journey and semen retention. It was at this point I think my wife's brother stumbled upon my videos and was utterly disgusted. The kid is in his 20's. Also had allot of pushback from people who expected my partner to be pregnant from the day we swiped right on tinder, to their disappointment. 

I just knew I had found my strength and could wield it for my best interest and not only, my family, friends and community could benefit greatly from this knowledge. This is why I'm obsessed with sex, because it's free, abundant and fun. And it can be powerful when brought under control through the right practices.

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Campbell Kitts


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