What Is Broke Shaming ?
In 2021 I went to dinner with a mixed couple. We chose a Caribbean restaurant in Brixton, South East London. During one of the conversations I had to describe where we lived. In Gravesend. We described Gravesend as “white trash”. I noticed the expression on their face, it looked like they just swallowed turtle poop or something similar. I have had numerous occasions where I have described something I’ve done or experienced and people have had the turtle poop reaction. But why? I grew up with white Italian middle class foster parents. I went skiing in the winter and beach in the summer. We had a German shepherd as guard dog in a colonial 3 floor house with a basketball court. I’m saying this to make the point, that I’ve seen what middle class looks and feels like. The other side of the coin was that we’d go camping, do charity at the local Catholic Church where my foster parents were personally involved, we recited 50 Ave Maria’s every May for a week, and I remember we housed a family o...
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