
Is Life About The Pursuit Of Things Bigger Than Ourselves?

 I think life is all about doing things in pursuit of something bigger than yourself. Life wouldn't be as extraordinary as it is if you're always thinking about me, me, me. Having your vision set to something larger than yourself is the most fulfilling. It means you're helping others, uplifting those around you, and inspiring others to do the same. That's what matters most. At the end of your life, nobody will remember you for the things you did for yourself. They will remember all you did for others. It's the things that pushed the world forward so all of humanity can benefit. Ego and selfishness get in the way. Fame, money, and power, rather than love, connection, and purpose. Don't fall into the trap. When you're doing something bigger than yourself, your heart is deeply in it. You are so in love with what you're doing, because you know how important it is. It's something that positively impacts those around you and leaves your mark. Life is short

What Is Broke Shaming ?

In 2021 I went to dinner with a mixed couple. We chose a Caribbean restaurant in Brixton, South East London. During one of the conversations I had to describe where we lived. In Gravesend. We described Gravesend as “white trash”. I noticed the expression on their face, it looked like they just swallowed turtle poop or something similar. I have had numerous occasions where I have described something I’ve done or experienced and people have had the turtle poop reaction. But why? I grew up with white Italian middle class foster parents. I went skiing in the winter and beach in the summer. We had a German shepherd as guard dog in a colonial 3 floor house with a basketball court. I’m saying this to make the point, that I’ve seen what middle class looks and feels like. The other side of the coin was that we’d go camping, do charity at the local Catholic Church where my foster parents were personally involved, we recited 50 Ave Maria’s every May for a week, and I remember we housed a family o

Has Slavery Ended ?

  You’ve never been free, you’ve just been attached to a long leash. Slavery never ended,     it just evolved. In the past they would enslave the body but now the mind has been enslaved. Your mind has been taken from you. You wonder why you’re depressed, you wonder why you’re unmotivated… it’s because deep down you know you’re locked in a cage. Look at the cities you live in compared to the architecture of the past. They even took beauty from you and sold it back to you as luxury. Everything in this world, including food and water has been taken from you and sold back to you. God gave you this earth and there are people who have taken his gift to you and charged you money to access it. What gives them the right to sell you what God gave all of us? You think you live in a democracy but you live in a dictatorship. You drastically underestimate power if you think those in power would give you the opportunity to take from them. Your elections are no more real than the reality tv shows you

How To Brainwash Millions Of People

  People are becoming whatever their masters brainwash them to be. Free will has become an illusion as the majority of people just follow the herd like sheep unconsciously while the few of us stand against this zombification of the human mind. The weak are being herded into a group hypnosis. The elite are removing an individual's ability to reach self individuality. Most people don't even possess their own perceptions. All the views they have of themselves, others, and the world are programmed into their subconscious through hypnosis and propaganda. The matrix also uses tactics like shaming and FOMO to force people into a bias and herd mentality. Most people don't want to be the only one who doesn't agree with the majority or else they'll be rejected by the tribe... This is how most people make decisions and form beliefs. They don't seek to express truth, they seek to express whatever will make others accept them. The fear of judgment makes it easy for the matri

How To Explore Your Inner Self

The actual psychological personality of a person is referred to as the self of a person. Each one of us has a hidden self within us, but we are not aware of it. A human being thinks that it is his consciousness that lead his actions. Actually, our inner self guides our behavior in our day-to-day life. This self is constructed and undergoes transformation with the passage of time as we experience new things. Ego also forms a part of our inner self. It makes us fight for our own identity in the world. It stresses on an individual existence of a human being separated from others. This will make an individual proud and selfish. He will neglect certain facts, which will be an obstacle in his self-awareness and thereby degrading his self-development. Thus for the development of the inner-self, the foremost step is self-introspection. This means that an individual should look within himself and analyze his own personality. This way he will be able to make out his own strengths and weaknesses.

Why Does The Middle Class Still Think Money Is Earned Through Labour?

  The average person believes the harder they work the more money they'll make. Their linear thinking equates labor and effort with financial success. This is why most people aren't rich. They're following an outdated model of success and are confounded when they reach middle age with little money to show for twenty years of hard work. The rich know that creative thinking is the highest paid skill in the world. Independent, creative thinking is the most valuable asset anyone can acquire. So while the masses are trying to figure out how to put their kids through college and retire on half of what they can barely exist on now, the great ones are building empires, living in abundance, and donating large sums to their favorite causes. This sets off a psychological domino effect, because once a person thinks and lives at this level of abundance, they know even greater levels of success are possible through the vehicle of creative thought. Most of us were told as kids that if we

Why Am I Obsessed With Sex ?

Everybody in life is born into either one of these three things: Wealth, Good Family, Charisma. I was lucky to somehow find myself born with charisma, and the type of charisma for the sake of this conversation is sex appeal. From a very young age I realised I could do anything and never get the blame because of my looks. Unfortunately a few people took advantage of this which I will discuss in a YouTube video. As a teenager I wasn't very social not by my choosing so automatically all that pent up energy went into exploring sex. A classmate in junior high, asked me if I'd ever masturbated, and I kid you not when I say at 13 I didn't know what that meant. He explained the process and what happens after , which I just didn't believe. You know where this is going don't you?