
Showing posts from June, 2024

Why Does The Middle Class Still Think Money Is Earned Through Labour?

  The average person believes the harder they work the more money they'll make. Their linear thinking equates labor and effort with financial success. This is why most people aren't rich. They're following an outdated model of success and are confounded when they reach middle age with little money to show for twenty years of hard work. The rich know that creative thinking is the highest paid skill in the world. Independent, creative thinking is the most valuable asset anyone can acquire. So while the masses are trying to figure out how to put their kids through college and retire on half of what they can barely exist on now, the great ones are building empires, living in abundance, and donating large sums to their favorite causes. This sets off a psychological domino effect, because once a person thinks and lives at this level of abundance, they know even greater levels of success are possible through the vehicle of creative thought. Most of us were told as kids that if we

Why Am I Obsessed With Sex ?

Everybody in life is born into either one of these three things: Wealth, Good Family, Charisma. I was lucky to somehow find myself born with charisma, and the type of charisma for the sake of this conversation is sex appeal. From a very young age I realised I could do anything and never get the blame because of my looks. Unfortunately a few people took advantage of this which I will discuss in a YouTube video. As a teenager I wasn't very social not by my choosing so automatically all that pent up energy went into exploring sex. A classmate in junior high, asked me if I'd ever masturbated, and I kid you not when I say at 13 I didn't know what that meant. He explained the process and what happens after , which I just didn't believe. You know where this is going don't you?

Why Do I Need Disability Insurance ?

 Disability Insurance We all know how important typical health insurance is, but did you know that disability insurance is just as important? In the event that you are hurt on the job, and cannot work, disability insurance will give you peace of mind-you will still be able to provide for your family. While we would like to think that we always work safely, accidents do happen and you need to be sure that you have every angle covered in the event of an accident. If you become ill or injured on the job and as a result you are unable to return to work, there are a couple of options that will replace lost income. These types of disability insurance are not going to fully replace your income because they want you to have an incentive for returning back to work once you get well. Social Security benefits are paid to you when your disability is expected to last for at least 12 months. Most of the time this is when no gainful employment can occur and you must remain out of work for

What Is The Black Buck Stereotype?

 The "Black Buck" stereotype is a harmful and racist caricature used to depict Black men, particularly during the post-Reconstruction era in the United States (late 19th and early 20th centuries). It paints a picture of Black men as: Hyper-sexual and animalistic:  This stereotype portrays Black men as having uncontrollable libidos and being a threat to white women. Violent and aggressive:  Black men are depicted as easily angered and prone to violence, often defying authority. Unintelligent and unrefined:  The stereotype suggests Black men lack intelligence and social graces. This stereotype has dangerous consequences. It has been used to justify violence against Black men, limit their opportunities, and perpetuate racial discrimination. Here are some additional points to consider: Origins:  The stereotype has roots in slavery, where Black men were dehumanized and seen as property. Media portrayals:  Movies and other media outlets have historically reinforced the Black Buck s

How Can I Do Great Work?

  Great Work Usually entails spending what would seem to most  people an unreasonable amount of time on a problem. You can't think of this time as a cost, or it will seem too high. You have to find the work sufficiently engaging as it's happening. There may be some jobs where you have to work diligently for years at things you hate before you get to the good part, but this is not how great work happens. Great work happens by focusing consistently on something you're genuinely interested in. When you pause to take stock, you're surprised  how far you've come. The reason we're surprised is that we underestimate the cumulative effect of work. Writing a page a day doesn't sound like much, but if you do it every day you'll write a book a year. That's the key: consistency. People who do great things don't get a lot done everyday. They get something done, rather than nothing. Subscribe to our newsletter Author Campbell Kitts

How Do I Identify My Skills And Get A Job?

Losing a job can be devastating, but it's even worst staying in a job with toxic managers, colleagues and supervisors. Quitting is not always the easiest solution especially when you have responsibilities a mortgage and credit card debt. the system is designed to keep you on a never ending rat race. We have all become sadistic in our own way, desiring others to suffer rightfully because we are suffering the pain of being employed and being told what to do. The internet has uncovered a new hero, a realtor in his late 30's posted a massive turd his boss Monica Shuttshard, manager at Shuttshard Real Estate Group New Mexico, took in the toilet during their open home event. He goes on to narrate how he and Ricardo went through the 7 rings of hell to find the culprit. More interesting is his storytelling skill. Wishing him good luck on his job hunt!

Why Does The World Hate A Powerful Black Man?

This post is a spin of my experiences and judgement. The views expressed are mine and no one else's. Why does the world hate a powerful black man? Is a question history has answered time and time again, very few people are students of history but would rather prefer to be a victim of history , that's why we keep making the same mistakes. From parenting, personal life, social and business black men are the target of tone policing, hate crimes, stalking, and disproportionate judgement.  Racism today is being confused for hate but it's all about survival. To build my case I'm going to bulldoze through allot of arguments to make sense. I have a strong belief that women are the creators of all existing life, but without the spark from the man it would be impossible to produce life. A powerful black man isn't determined by his muscle mass, violence, deep voice or his earnings after taxes.  True power is in the subtle daily actions, the behind the scenes adjustments, emoti

How Do I Heal My Hidden Self Through Self Control ?

Healing of the hidden self will better all aspects of our lives, both the professional aspects as well as the personal aspects. Self-control is one of the crucial lessons of self-development and healing the hidden self, since it will lead us to becoming had better people overall. If we are able to show self-control in many situations, we will be able to overcome them and avoid the associated stress. It is crucial that we adapt and grow in life and become individuals that are more self-controlled. Self-control is developed through the processes of healing the hidden self. In dealing with receptivity, the need for self-control is of the utmost importance. It is vital that we are all able to control ourselves when faced with situations in life. Receptivity is one of the components that prepare us with the mental attitudes that are needed for the control of our concentration and the control of our will. We are able to exhibit self-control when faced with many problems in life. It works to

How Does NLP And Self-Hypnosis Improve Confidence?

Self confidence is an emotional and mental state of mind which responds to our need for self-acceptance and recognition. It's among the oldest and most studied concepts in psychology. It is used to describe a good albeit adequate perception of oneself and one's abilities. Hence, self-confident persons generally have a better knowledge of what they are able to achieve and are more likely to be successful in what they attempt. They are also more likely to accept and learn from their mistakes. Contrarily, a lack of confidence may deter you from trusting that your actions or decisions will ultimately turn out the way you had planned. It can thus hamper the buildup of executive skills, planning and managerial abilities all of which are basic and mandatory skills in today's business world. The pre-occupation with other people's judgment of your work might also cause you to become too self-critical, which will distract you from things you would have otherwise been totally able

How Do I Gain Self Confidence To Succeed In Anything ?

Where does self confidence come from? How do we get it? Why don't I have it? The answer to all of these questions can be answered with one word : you! Self confidence starts with you, your perception of yourself, and what other people think about your actions or behaviour. For some of us, a lack of self confidence only affects our high ambitions. You might have always wanted to get up on stage, or to be a professional singer or actor for example. Perhaps your life dream is to travel the world, visit different countries or cities, but you don't have the self confidence to do it. For others, the problem of self confidence is much closer to home - in the office, business meetings, public speaking events or presentations. Self confidence issues affect most of us at some time, and we can usually find ways of getting around the problem. Avoidance is one tactic we often use and if we can get out of an intimidating situation we'll make up excuses not to take part. However, there ar

Can I Awaken My Senses Through Self Hypnosis?

  The modern world has brought people a lot of preoccupation. It made living faster yet complicated, it made interactions wider yet shorter, and it made communication easier yet brief. Despite the so many preoccupations brought by media created by people, there are also those who would want to get back to their original self and connect with it in the most basic possible means. One of these is self hypnosis. Defined as a "process involving a hypnotist and a subject who agrees to be hypnotised," self hypnosis is characterised by intense concentration, extreme relaxation, and high suggestibility to both parties. Experts say that the self hypnosis is versatile. In fact, its versatility can be quite unparalleled. Today, self hypnosis can take place in various social settings and continue to change social settings dramatically. Unlike before where settings of self hypnosis are quite limited, today the sessions between the hypnotist and the subject can take place in common places s

Is There Any Power in Forgiveness?

  When you forgive, you're not saying what happened was ok -  you're saying that you're choosing to move forward. It's not about pretending the hurt didn't happen or letting someone off the hook.  It's about freeing yourself from the pain and anger that keeps you trapped. It doesn't mean you have to forget or even reconcile with the person who hurt you. Think of forgiveness as a gift you give to yourself.  It's like taking a deep breath after holding it in for so long. When you hold onto those negative feelings, they can consume your thoughts and emotions, preventing you from truly moving forward and finding peace. It's simply a way to release the hold that past hurt has on your present and future.  By forgiving, you create space for healing and open the door to new possibilities and positive experiences. It's a journey and it's okay to take your time with it. It's a way of saying, "I deserve to be happy and whole, regardless of what