Why Does The World Hate A Powerful Black Man?

This post is a spin of my experiences and judgement. The views expressed are mine and no one else's.

Why does the world hate a powerful black man? Is a question history has answered time and time again, very few people are students of history but would rather prefer to be a victim of history , that's why we keep making the same mistakes. From parenting, personal life, social and business black men are the target of tone policing, hate crimes, stalking, and disproportionate judgement. 

Racism today is being confused for hate but it's all about survival. To build my case I'm going to bulldoze through allot of arguments to make sense.

I have a strong belief that women are the creators of all existing life, but without the spark from the man it would be impossible to produce life. A powerful black man isn't determined by his muscle mass, violence, deep voice or his earnings after taxes. 

True power is in the subtle daily actions, the behind the scenes adjustments, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, the knowledge and the choices triggered by strong principles and beliefs, the ability to pushback when pressured and "retract" when overly exposed. The ability to interpret advice from the young and old, friends and foes.

In boarding school my first fight, when I was 9, was with a 15 year old bully. Much taller and bigger than me. When I jabbed his diaphragm with my head, he stared at me in surprise.

"How dare you?" He said!

For a fraction of a second in a losing fight I exercised power, this turn of events rippled round the school, all the bullies knew that the soft spoken quiet boy from Reggio nell' Emilia can fight if pushed far enough!

Ever since, I have subconsciously adapted the strategy of" fake dumb to fool them!" I say subconsciously because I'm not even aware I'm doing it till the question "why are they doing this to me?" pops up in my head.

A powerful black man can see through the crap whiteness offer's every day. Whether it's the white man's burden, the excuse of soft parenting, white washing, assimilation, religion, keeping up with the Jones', goal idiocy, relationships, gender wars, etc, a powerful black man sees it and takes action. The world, including the sambo's, would rather have a black man without a voice, without an opinion, without options and of course without a choice because the traitors have given up their right to do so.

Do you see where this is going?

The script is the single mom that has two jobs, who loves her kids and never stops. A social media video of a dad giving a disapproval nudge to his toddler daughter twerking went viral because his opinions and actions were taken out of context. If the black man is present he must be silent, simp-ish, he solely exists to serve rather than being of service. His opinions, strategy, choices and judgements can be used to clean the toilet after a frat party. 

As black men we accept this verdict because the consequences of being powerful are jail, isolation, diffamation, and shaming. As if we're pets from the local shelter.

To reclaim our power we must rise to self actualisation. Find meaning again in our lives, answer the question "Why?"

Why are we being sold a fake representation of power?. Everything within our proximity are things whiteness would rather have us focus on while they build think tanks to engineer our behaviour, choices, strategies, options and our very minds.

What happened to the philosopher warrior, the philosopher king? Where is the chief all wise and knowing who's opinion is revered and respected? What happened to the leader that leads from the back and takes up position in front when the need arises? What happened to the hero, brave, righteous and of good judgment?

Just like our bullies, we have a responsibility and a choice to refuse the kool aid. Discerning that we're reporters rather than victims in this power struggle. The ripple effect will reach far enough for the word to go round that the black man can fight alongside his black woman if pushed far enough.

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Campbell Kitts


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