How To Brainwash Millions Of People


How To Brainwash Millions Of People
People are becoming whatever their masters brainwash them to be. Free will has become an illusion as the majority of people just follow the herd like sheep unconsciously while the few of us stand against this zombification of the human mind. The weak are being herded into a group hypnosis. The elite are removing an individual's ability to reach self individuality. Most people don't even possess their own perceptions. All the views they have of themselves, others, and the world are programmed into their subconscious through hypnosis and propaganda. The matrix also uses tactics like shaming and FOMO to force people into a bias and herd mentality.

Most people don't want to be the only one who doesn't agree with the majority or else they'll be rejected by the tribe... This is how most people make decisions and form beliefs. They don't seek to express truth, they seek to express whatever will make others accept them. The fear of judgment makes it easy for the matrix to control what people form a bias towards because of this.

To break free of social programming and be happy... you must realize that the current society if filled with weakness and degeneracy. That the entire culture is designed to evolve around comfort and pleasure, two things that deprive you of your soul and mission. The matrix will normalise weakness so people stop striving for strength. Which is why everything unhealthy or degenerate has been promoted the last few years. The elites prey on those who are depressed and angry. They make these people believe they are victims and then use this anger to direct it at their enemy. Master magicians use the weak as an army. Brainwashing them into attacking whoever they want.

If the masses all possess a victim mindset and they all believe it is "ok" or "normal" to think this way, it makes it even easier to control them because when weakness is no longer looked down upon ... it spreads like a disease throughout a society making it impossible for the majority to feel joy, confidence, and drive as these emotional states cannot manifest from a weak state of mind and body. So if the individuals within a society are now weak ... the culture and all it's values, ways of life, workforce, etc are now born out of weakness. This lowers the standards of all things people create and are able to experience because there are no longer any creatives, hard workers, or warriors within the society... no one to push the needle forward. I hope this is changing and I hope you are trying your best to cause this change.

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Campbell Kitts


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