Has Slavery Ended ?


You’ve never been free, you’ve just been attached to a long leash. Slavery never ended,  it just evolved. In the past they would enslave the body but now the mind has been enslaved. Your mind has been taken from you. You wonder why you’re depressed, you wonder why you’re unmotivated… it’s because deep down you know you’re locked in a cage. Look at the cities you live in compared to the architecture of the past. They even took beauty from you and sold it back to you as luxury.

Everything in this world, including food and water has been taken from you and sold back to you. God gave you this earth and there are people who have taken his gift to you and charged you money to access it. What gives them the right to sell you what God gave all of us? You think you live in a democracy but you live in a dictatorship. You drastically underestimate power if you think those in power would give you the opportunity to take from them.

Your elections are no more real than the reality tv shows you watch about “love”. Love isn’t even real anymore. Everything has become transactional. We have become like our masters in the sense that we no longer see the world through the lens of love but through the lens of “what can you do for me”. No one is willing to give without first receiving. We have become trapped in the lowest levels of human nature. The masses argue over where they put their dick, over gender, over the most irrelevant topics. The masses fail to see that it doesn’t matter which side of the argument you are on because the elite want you to argue.

You’re too busy fighting against the brainwashed to realise the elite purposely introduce these arguments. Stop and think for a second how much of a psyop it is for an entire country to be fighting over sexuality and gender. That’s like arguing over which sports team is better while you’re at war and bullets are flying over your head. You have bigger problems to think about. It is all a distraction to keep you from realising politics is the illusion of choice.

You think your vote matters, they’ve shown you it doesn’t and nothing changes. The scariest part is that you’ve accepted that you’re a slave. You’ve accepted that you’re addicted to porn and social media. You’ve accepted that they brainwashed all the women. I don’t know where to go from here… but I can hope that all of you realise liberals have been placed into society so you argue against them instead of your masters. Ignore the left, ignore liberals. They want you to think voting still matters. As long as you believe elections are real, you will give power to the system that enslaves you.

They locked us up in our houses for a year during COVID so they could move the markets, they forced you to be injected with poison, they rigged the elections. Your kids will truly suffer if you do not start to realise how truly enslaved you are. Another man has taken everything from you and continues to take. 

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Campbell Kitts


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